Nightingale Audio

How often have you tried another audio cable but felt something was still missing?  Was it Gold?  Was it Silver?  Was it Silver over Copper?   How about different terminations with different platings?  Gold, Silver, Rhodium, or one of the different Copper offerings?   Was the Silver too bright?  Was the Copper too soft?  How many times were these “Band Aid” solutions ever been fully satisfying?  Since you have been in the audio hobby,  how many cables have you tried?  What was the cost of the hit-and-miss experiments?   Were the times you upgraded your cables successful?   Are component upgrades the answer to what cable performance falls short?   Most of us have had these roadblocks along the way in this hobby.  Would it have value to find the paradigm to escape going in circles?  Put the Silver Bullet concept to rest?

There is another approach to system building. I discovered the better way to build a system, part theory and part discovery.  It begins in theory with the concept of signal and power cables. Very similar to the nervous system in the human anatomy,  cabling in an audio system is the heart of any system, and can, by virtue of their function, be called the first component.  All electronic components are very sensitive to power, and work best with stable, clean power.  With the power optimized, now the signal cables, components, and speakers have a better function potential.   Maximum conductivity and connectivity are fundamental to the Nightingale Audio cable design.  Our unique shielding and vibration damping add to the net effect of the cables performance.

Why Nightingale Audio Cables?

I could never get any one cable to quite sound the way I want it to sound. If it was good in one area it did not do well in other areas, so did what anyone would do.... I started to take the plug ends off and started to swap with different plug ends like silver plated, rhodium plated, gold plated and copper to achieve the sound I was after essentially color it up so I could enjoy music. While doing this more frequently I discovered a lot of major flaws and bottlenecks in the various designs and builds by other cable manufacturers. As I kept swapping plug ends I would start addressing one issue at a time, improving and eventually perfecting my style of terminating plug ends. Only after I perfected my design in termination I started to looking for the conductor. I did learnt early on that conductor alone was not the secret to a good cable. After auditioning and testing many types of conductors I chose a specific conductor for its properties, build quality and sound quality. With proper termination techniques, build and proper implementation of all the components involved in the construction of the cable it exceeded all my expectation. Very similar design is implemented for interconnects and speaker cables as well. Commonly available conductors but how these conductors are implemented, designed and constructed to make each cable is whats makes Nightingale Audio cables different from the rest of the cables. Each cable is hand hand crafted in USA.

Based on our years of research, testing, trial and errors of many conductors and various materials the specific conductors and the specific material has been chosen deliver the best and unadulterated performance. All cables are made to order only due to the labor and costs involved. Each and every cable is manufactured to the owners length specifics nothing is made in standard lengths and stored in shelves. Each cable is specifically chosen for your component and the specific length.

Power cables are designed and constructed without any compromise in performance, without having to settle with trade-offs to accomplish the desired effect. All signal cables are shielded, wide bandwidth, high conductivity, proprietary terminations are made to our specifications, low mass and ultra-high purity copper has been implemented in this design but concept remains the same with all cables, "Optimized" maximized signal and power throughput.

The best part of Nightingale Audio cables is you get to discover when we demonstrate for you. To identify for yourself apart from any explanation we offer in our description. We demonstrate what we have discovered so you can hear it for yourself.  Zero risk and no promises are ever solicited. You will hear what we have discovered.  And we are confident to do all of this without asking for any commitments from you.